A coalition of business leaders shaping the future of Colorado’s workforce.

We represent all 64 Colorado counties and thousands of member companies from diverse sectors, geographies, and sizes. Together, our alliance is working to build a talent development system that is learner-centered
and focused on creating pathways to in-demand jobs that employers need and learners want.

Colorado Chamber of Commerce Logo
Graduation cap icon in a turquoise color

Prioritize learners, not systems, structures, or institutions.

Brief case icon in a turquoise color

Ensure industry alignment by meaningfully engaging the industry as a co-creator.

Puzzle piece icon in a turquoise color

Integrate and recognize career-connected learning and in-demand skills.

Light bulb icon in a turquoise color

Leverage and scale innovative non-traditional education and training models to unleash pent-up demand for talent.

Chat bubble icon in a turquoise color

Create more transparency of outcomes across the education pipeline and prioritize pathways with strong evidence of impact on critical outcomes.

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